Jodie Calussi
Since 2014, Jodie regularly offers insights into her life via her YouTube channel. Her artist name: Jodie Calussi. She started with Daily-Vlogs in which she gave spectators insights into her daily life. Nowadays, she publishes her content more selectively: She regularly takes her community on trips around the world, into her thoughts, changes or matters of heart – next to videos with her best friend you can also find very honest realtalk on her channel. In September 2017, her fashion label ,odd (pronounced: commaodd) was released.
Since 2016, Jodie is our faithful companion and supports us together with her community in our association work. We want to thank her for this long-term friendship and her generous donations. Once she promised that 20% of the income from her fashion label ,odd should go to our association. When she said so, she didn’t know that her project was bound to fail. She didn’t make profit but nevertheless she decided to donate 1000€ and keep her promise. We were very touched because of her decision. Jodie’s vision: A life free of borders, hate and social pressure, but a life full of love, creative work und colourful diversity. Jodie’s biggest dream is to create things whose revenues not only secure her rent but can also serve others. We support this vision. Thank you for being also part of our vision – the one of free access to education worldwide.