Guideline for the prevention and combating of corruption
Offering children and adolescents the access to free education, being at their side throughout their education in school or through a scholarship program and thereby helping them to achieve a better perspective in life – this is the task to which Tangeni Shilongo Namibia e.V. is commited. Since the founding of Tangeni Shilongo Namibia e.V. these goals did not change.
Definition of corruption
In the context of this guideline corruption is understood as the misuse of entrusted power for private profit. This includes the offering, handing over, demanding, or accepting of gifts, loans, rewards, provisions or any other advantage to or from a third person, as an incentive to do sth. within the normal course of business which is dishonourable, illegal or a breach of trust. Aside others following crimes are considered as corruption: Bribery and venality, granting and accepting of advantages, fraud and breach of trust, anticompetitive agreements, and money laundering.
Goals and scope of application
The codex of anticorruption mirrors the self-perception and the commitment of Tangeni Shilongo Namibia e.V. to act responsible, in accordance with the law and by ethical and moral values. Its concrete goal is
- to prevent and actively combat corruption. This applies to the association as well as to project partners and, where appropriate, also to the sponsors.
- to enroot integrity in the self-perception of the association, the partners and sponsors as well as the projects. To preserve and respect it should be a personal concern for all.
The codex of anticorruption can only then achieve its goals, when it becomes a central foundation for the cooperation with project partners, sponsors and all participating persons connected to the work of the association. Therefore, the codex of anticorruption and all therein stated principles, rules and procedures are compulsory for:
- all members and staff of Tangeni Shilongo Namibia e.V.
- employees of partners, sponsors and projects which are supported by Tangeni Shilongo Namibia e.V.
- members of advisory boards and other self-employed or honorary working persons who are active for Tangeni Shilongo Namibia e.V.
Rules of conduct
Persons included in the scope of this guideline are obliged to respect following rules:
- Respecting the respective laws and regulations
- Rejection of any form of corruption and participation or tolerance of bribery.
- Reporting of corrupt behaviour
- Working transparently and separating personal and private interests from obligations concerning the association and honorary posts.
- No grants or gifts to officials and employees of the public sector, political parties or to government employees if they are connected to the receiving or continuance of transactions.
- No acceptance of grants which have the indication of a personal advantage or – if the acceptance is unavoidable – passing it on to charitable purposes.
- To handle entrusted personal data and information confidentially and to guarantee the protection of personal data.
- Using all available donations of the association goal-oriented and economically.
Unobjectionable are small grants like invitations to business meals, advertising gifts and gifts not exceeding a value of 30 euros.
Cologne, the 1st January 2018.