With the association we want to continuously commit ourselves to the children and adolescents in Namibia and ensure their access to education. But this challenge can only be made possible with your long-term financial support. If you wish to become a part of our little family, we will be happy to receive your membership application which you can easily fill in via the following link. You can decide for yourself how high your membership fee shall be and if you want to donate monthly or annually.
We will be happy if you autonomously transfer your membership fee to our donation account via stop transfer. After one year, all membership fees will be collected and verified by a separate donation receipt within 4 weeks. Among other things, the period of donating as well as the amount of donations will be listed here.
Donation account in Germany:
Tangeni Shilongo Namibia e. V.
Sparkasse Koeln Bonn
DE72 3705 0198 1934 4561 51