Donations are the basis and foundation of our association’s work. Without the help of each individual supporter – no matter whether the amount is small or large, one-time or regular – every euro/dollar reaches its purpose and helps.
Donation account in Germany:
Tangeni Shilongo Namibia e. V.
Sparkasse Koeln Bonn
DE72 3705 0198 1934 4561 51
Donation account in Namibia:
Tangeni Shilongo Namibia
Bank Windhoek, Swakopmund
Account No.: 802 378 301 7
Branch Code: 481-772
Donations of goods
In Namibia we also receive donations of goods. We always try to express our gratitude for those donations with a photograph made during the hand-over. If you would also like to support the school project with donations in kind, please contact us so that we can discuss the current needs of the school project together.
BILD hilft e. V. “Ein Herz für Kinder” sent us a package with board games.
We received schoolbags for our students from the company ergobag.
The pharmaceutical company Takeda supported us with a first aid backpack.
Thanks to the Polizei NRW, the school project received an honourable visit: Ernie & Bert from Sesame Street.